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Tournament Fees

Parli: $40/competitor
TP/LD: $40/competitor
3 Speeches: $40/competitor
Additional speech events (beyond 3): $15/speech

Space is Limited, students with both partners registered and paid will be given priority.

If payment is made after registration closes, a late fee of $30 will be assessed

No Refunds will be made after registration closes

Drop Fee:
Each event dropped after registration closes ... $15

Meal Costs

Since on-site kitchens are not accessible with competition going on all day in the cabin kitchens and it's not easy to just "run out for food" we are also offering breakfasts for purchase. Those not competing in Parli are still welcome to arrive any time on Thursday and consume all offered meals as well.
Meals can be purchased as a package or individually

Breakfast: $5/meal
Lunch: $7/meal
Dinner: $8/meal
Student Meal Package (9 meals): $50 (3 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 3 dinners)
Adult Meal Package (9 meals): $30 (3 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 3 dinners)
Adult Meal Package (6 meals): $20 (3 lunches, 3 dinners)